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Straitjackets Magazine
Spring 2017

Bobo Logic
...armies of the pesky gnats would invade the villages on Lake Chapala's shores.

My Love-Hate Relationship with Faith Hope
Her subtext clearly means, "You idiot."

Paco Bell
I was drawn to the voice and spotted a green-headed bird sitting on a tree-like stand, behind the cashier counter.

Ella's Challenge
There are so many decisions about what to take, what is essential, and what I will not live without.

The Quiet Snow
the muffling silence of snow, Dampening the earth, swallowing-up lonely bird-songs like colors into white light, Snow melting down and...

Tante Frieda
I never heard any stories as to why she and Uncle Paul, who existed only in memories of Christmases long past, never had a family.

Ansel vs. Howard: The Battle of Yosemite
What would an amateur nature photographer admire more than Ansel Adams? Nobody.

Key Largo Blues (Chapter 1)
During the video call, her client had to think Karen was calling from a high-end office building, not an old camping trailer.

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