I was rowing down the Nile one Sunday afternoon with my very good friend Marie.
As we lazily rowed along, we happened upon this crocodile who called himself Henri.
He said he liked fine wine, Chardonnay and Rhine, and made it clear he’d like to dine on me.
“Oh, my dear Henri,” I said, “I am highly complimented, but I am afraid that at this time I must decline.
“You see, I must go wash my hair, and my nails – they need repair. Would you consider instead my dear friend Marie?
“Although she looks a trifle thin, that’s just that outfit she is wearing. I’m sure she’s tastier than me at any rate. Besides, Marie just washed her hair and her nails are in a perfect state.”
Henri looked at Marie, then he looked again at me.
“Oui, oui,” he said. “I do agree. Marie is definitely the one for me.”
As Henri chomped down on Marie I thought I’d better flee, so I swam ashore and made it safely home.
So, my advice to you, my friends, if you don’t want to end up as crocodile din-din while rowing down the Nile, make sure to take your good friend Marie along.