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I won't write about ten favorites because I really don't have ten favorites.

I like the things I read. If I don't, I put the books back on the shelf or find new homes for them. I have a few unfavorites, but favorites, no. A few I'd read over again—in those, the prose sings. That might make them treasured, but I do not believe they could make the list.

I'm sure you don't want to hear about Black Beauty or The Yearling or the Nancy Drew Mysteries that filled many childhood hours. (Remember, we didn't have television then.)

Currently, I've started Sarah Bedell Smith's Elizabeth the Queen.

My tastes run from classic, to Grisham and Follet, both of whom are accomplished authors, to Shakespeare and the Bible (home to many fiction stories). Perhaps my love of adventure and grit is why I enjoy Jim Hitt’s writing. Don't care for romance novels, but love action and cute, funny pieces. Fantasies? Hmmm, maybe. Frankly, I'm learning to appreciate them. (The jury's still out.)

Textbooks I use for information, not for perusal. My tastes are eclectic and far from erudite.

Of late, I have begun to concentrate on writing—my writing. Most recently I've worked to put together a collection of some of the things I've written, and I’ve finished several incomplete stories—poetry, jingles, just short fun pieces, or true stories from my journey. I've lost much with the crash of my computer.

I've been granted years I never expected to have. However, at 92, I am well aware of the fragility of life. For me, the sand in the hourglass is running out.

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