Breadcrumbs. What kind of breadcrumbs are you going to leave?
Your body is going to die someday. When it does, you will lose access to a major memory storage peripheral—your brain. In fact, your brain’s memory storage and information recovery capabilities will likely grow and then diminish over your lifetime.
What if your soul continues after your body passes away? And what if your soul only retains thoughts and emotional feelings—but not the memories stored in your brain? If your soul is fortunate enough to reincarnate into another body, what kind of information and learnings would you like to leave behind for your next incarnation?
Even if you are not reincarnated, or if there is no such thing as reincarnation, what kind of breadcrumbs would you like to leave for your children—or for other people who you care about?
Now is a good time to start journaling or augmenting your memory by documenting learnings that you value the most. This will help reinforce your favorite learnings over time and improve the accuracy of your recall of the learnings. You can periodically review and update your notes to improve the quality of your journey—and share your learnings with others to help improve their journeys through life as well. You can also leave behind contributions such as music, art, buildings, children, protégées, constructive organizations, a better environment, relationships, and good karma.
What kind of breadcrumbs are you going to leave?