Straitjackets Magazine

Earl Trout
Author Earl Trout has been working in mass media ever since he became a rock ‘n’ roll radio disk-jockey on his little home-town radio station at age 15. He had to walk to the studios because he was too young to drive.
His laugh-out-loud writing in high school and college newspaper columns translated well into broadcasting and he quickly became a successful major-market radio personality, followed by managing five major-market radio stations. About three dozen of his television scripts have been produced, he’s written on assignment for major magazines, and his novel, Wild Blue, is based on a screenplay he wrote which came---that close!--- to being produced with some very major movie stars.
Prior to retirement, Earl was Executive Director of the Kansas City Automotive Museum. As he says, “I’ve been a car freak since I was old enough to notice that a Lincoln had been customized (age 5).”
He's been a guest lecturer at more than a dozen universities and colleges, holds a Church of the Nazarene local minister’s license, and loves road trips, playing golf, cards, and board games with his best friend, Dianne, who also happens to be his wife.